Heartbeat law & why it’s wrong

Savannah MK
8 min readMay 1, 2022

Before I even get into this let me start by saying this isn’t for people who are never going to change their minds. This is for people who are pro-life and have never read up on a single thing they attack. This piece is to inform you of why this law is wrong and why as a woman who supports pro-life without questioning any of it is crazy to me. Obviously, this is going to be an opinion/fact piece and I will make it known which is which throughout it so hang with me.

Let me just get into it, obviously, Texas coming out with this 6-week abortion law (fact) is, by all means, an attack on women(opinion). How could you say it isn’t? Just a couple of years ago people started seeing population decline articles in the U.S.

that stated because women were becoming more independent, educated, and less inclined to marry the first man that sweeps them off their feet we as a nation were starting to face the real possibility of not being able to replace our older generation of workers. Which yeah can be a little offsetting/nerve-racking for many but let’s face it instead of looking for a new solution the government allowed Texas to enforce an extreme abortion law on women.

See how a majority of the states with strict abortion laws are on the population decline list above.

Why might you ask if they would turn this blind eye to our autonomy rights being revoked, simple our population was running a little behind. So instead of offering couples that have issues conceiving incentives to be able to have children, they went after women who don’t want to have any kids or any more children. Why would they do that in our era? Well, women are becoming more educated, we are speaking up, we are invading the workforce and demanding respect where it's due, salary, and appropriate benefits (ones that also include maternity leave). Now can you see the bigger picture?

Our worlds went from being just our homes (that we shared with our husbands and children) to the entire world. Now we run businesses, we are in the military, we are leaders in the government, we are making a difference and changing the way the world operates (it's called progress) but a lot of people don’t like progressive behavior.

Think about it, every time something changes people give it pushback, and then when it turns out to be for the better of society those same people who gave pushback now want to try to make it work for them. So what do we do with all these women who are taking over our businesses, our government, and dominating the female body standards? They start to push us into a corner.

Tighter restrictions on our reproductive rights are the first to go, now they are going after children (LQBTQ+ community) and forcing them to be people they aren’t. Can you not see how the same people who scream we are changing are slowly allowing all the positive progress we’ve made to go to the gutter? Back to women though, they already tell us how to dress, walk, talk and act (on top of restricting our body rights). I mean come on ladies, please wake up, what makes you want to exist in a world where men truly think they can do whatever they want even getting away with rape, pedophilia, sexual harassment, sexual assault, sodomy, and more. I mean the list can go on. So can we really not agree as to the women of our species that we can’t agree to our own body rights?

Now that you’ve been reading my opinion let’s get to the heartbeat facts I promised you. First off Texas has a law stating no woman can receive an abortion if there is a heartbeat detected, they claim it’s at 6 weeks. That is incorrect and according to many doctors at 6 weeks you are actually hearing the electric current of the heart valve being formed in the fetus.

That means it isn’t an actual heart like you imagine in your head. It is a part of the heart but isn’t a fully formed heart at all. Here is what a fetus at 6 weeks looks like:

This is not a fully developed baby and it doesn’t even have emotions/feelings/understanding of what it is like we do. Yet, we punish women for wanting to terminate their own pregnancies.

And for those who are religious and consider this as a solid reason why women shouldn’t be allowed to get an abortion (I have this to say to you). I was a little girl when I was told by adults that imaginary friends aren’t real because they can’t hear them, see them, or feel them (physical touch). So no, I don’t believe in your big imaginary friend in the sky or the crap story a group of men wrote a long time ago. So keep your imaginary friend out of other people’s business if that is the only leg you have in this argument.

The next thing is for the women who are pro-life and feel the need to prevent others to make decisions about their lives alone, do you wake up and head to an abortion clinic every day and offer to adopt those fetuses? Do you have the adoption papers ready, do you have the funds to take care of that child? Do you know anything about the woman you are screaming at? Do you know her income, her education level, her sex education level, her significant other, her family, her support system, etc….no you don’t, I’ll say it for you, you know nothing about this woman or why she has to terminate the pregnancy. But I also ask you this when you got pregnant did you call this woman and let her know so she could weigh in on your right to be a mother? No? So you just want to spew hate/religion/your views/culture/upbringing beliefs/men you think have a voice in the situation/anything you think gives you a right to tell this woman what to do. I’m sorry but none of those are viable reasons to me.

First, do yourself a favor and educate yourself on what is happening in our world. Second, educate yourself on the fetus development process during pregnancy. Third only trust .org/.gov/.edu websites to obtain factual/educated backed by research articles to gain this information from. Fourth, Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/any type of social media/your family/your pastor is not a viable source. None of those places/people are educated/trained doctors, they don’t back their research off religion or opinion, simply medical training. Fifth, learn to know your place in this world because if I ever have to go for my own reasons to get an abortion and you are there to try and intimidate me I will catch assault charges and you will learn your place in the food chain. Don’t forget we are animals first then human beings. That will probably make a lot of religious people mad too, Charles Darwin knows all about that life.

Let me end with this if you truly believe that women deserve to be forced to live with the consequences of us spreading our legs, when are you going to start enforcing men to be fathers? Even when they don’t want to? Are there going to be laws in place for fathers that don’t pay child support/take care of their children/provide food, shelter, clothing, and education? And if the heartbeat is truly at 6–weeks like Texas is claiming, then fathers who don’t want to be with the mother must provide child support at the detection of the heartbeat. Why must women only suffer when a child is involved or a fetus? Men are part of creating that fetus so we need to start holding them accountable, but let’s not forget this I still will always 100% support a woman’s choice to abortion. Becoming pregnant, being pregnant, giving birth, and raising a child shouldn’t be something we force people to do. These are things for people who want children should go through. Why put so much pressure on people who don’t want kids when we have so many metaphorically dying for a child?

I think instead of finding ways to control us, we should find ways to give other people a chance to become parents. The ones that cry at night because their eggs or sperm aren’t doing what they need them to. Give those people the opportunity to be parents instead of forcing others who aren’t ready to become parents. I don’t care what anyone says, making a woman have a child she doesn’t want will cause trauma to the mother and child. So, in the end, you aren’t saving anyone's lives, you are making it harder for people to survive, you are causing mental illnesses to develop due to mothers, fathers, and families without support by making them have children. Yes, you can develop mental illnesses from trauma. Trauma can be many things, like a young mother who wasn’t ready to have a kid who happens to live in Texas and she doesn’t know how to control her emotions because maybe she's young and hasn’t learned that yet. Now her child is learning how to avoid her in those moods. That mother never got enough time to learn about herself, but now she’s learning about herself and her child (guess where more of the attention is going).

We have the opportunity to be a progressive, caring society but many of us still choose to make it difficult for others to just live. So there is my rant on the heartbeat law, I hope I gave you something to think about. I posted all the websites where I got this information.

Good luck out there ladies, you’ll always have me to back you.

